Great convention the Hamburg Tattoo Convention. It is only held every other year. I got to share a stand with my friend Sacha a french tattooer from Strasburg now living and working in his new shop in Oslo, Norway.


First tattoo of the weekend, over the knee.

On Sacha’s girlfriend, Annette. Monkey teapot, with banana tea inside!


I was so happy to tattoo this girl after having seen an article on her hair salon in Dynamite! magazine. her shop “Dos ‘n’ Dyes” is in Stuttgart.


Melli’s Dos ‘n’ Dyes

Nesenbachstraße 48
70178 Stuttgart, Germany
0711 6202117

Melli4 Melli5

I tattooed her shop logo on her hand.

Melli1 Melli2


Last tattoo on a birthday girl. She didn’t speak english, Trinity translated.


meandsacha sacha sachaannette