Teddy Boys started in the 1950’s. It was a nostalgic fashion movement, a way to remember a simpler time before the two world wars when gentlmen dressed with style and class. Mix that with the rock n roll movement, you add the pompadour and sideburns and get a special fashion genre. The men would wear “drape coats’ inspired by Edwardian morning coats. Sometimes with a frilly cravat or skinny tie, which I think came from American country and western fashion.
I’m pretty sure that “creepers” the rubber platform shoes came on during the 1970’s revival of Teddy boys.
Today, there’s one lone fashion icon that has made Teddy Boy fashion her own, Janelle Monàe. I love her look. She often wears tuxedo suits with saddle shoes. Her pompadour reaches respectable heights, and her dance moves are pretty cute!
1. ROCK N ROLL REVIVALISTS, PENZANCE, 1983, 2. ROCK N ROLL REVIVALISTS, PENZANCE, 1983, 3. ROCK N ROLL REVIVALISTS, PENZANCE, 1983, 4. pete, 5. Paul and Old Dave, 6. GD*6783642, 7. teddy boys tutta la vita., 8. A 1970s Fenland wedding, 9. teddy family!!!!!, 10. My creation: Teddy Boys, 11. Teddy Boy, 12. Janelle Monáe