Born to Ramble Original Watercolor Painting


Born to Ramble
22 1/2 x 20 1/5 cm

8.85 by 8.07 inches
Paper, Watercolor, glue

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Hobos always have their belongings wrapped up in a scarf or shirt and tied to a pole. Easier on the body for long distances on foot. I put butterfly wings for extra lightness for this long journey called life. A nice follower told me it reminded her of the tarot card of the Fool. This piece is an original watercolour painting and also a collage. The circle and the butterfly wings were painted separately and glued together.

I love and obsess about the butterfly as a symbol for transformation. I guess I find a lot of hope and inspiration thinking that I am capable of great transformation in my life and in my psyche. I think of the phases and changes the caterpillar goes through to become the beautiful butterfly. It is not easy. In the cocoon everything dissolves into a sticky goo. I can relate to the difficult phases we must go through to actualise. Can you see this in your life too? Tell me.


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