Tiki Tribe Paris

Saturday night there was a lovely tropical storm in Paris, including ukulele/steel guitar concert and pagan cocktail mixologists! Check it out: Born Bad Record Shop 17 rue Keller metro: Bastille All our buddies came out. The tikis and mugs were all made by french...

Van Dongen in Paris!

Remember when I posted about the Van Dongen exhibition in Amsterdam? Well I never had the time to go. Yet what a lucky girl I am, the show came to Paris! My favorite painting? Les Lutteuses. Enormous, pink, circus ladies! Now showing at the Musée de l’art...


Time Today at 7:00pm – Tomorrow at 2:00am Location Alcazar 62 rue Mazarine Paris, France Created By PIN UP O RAMA Anything a man could want, Everything a woman is . More Info Kitten Onthekeys du Cabaret New Burlesque (« Tournée ») investit la Mezzanine de...

Bagatelle Park

My mom is visiting and yesterday we went to the Bagatelle gardens in the Bois de Boulogne. My favorite spots in french parks are the waterfalls and grottos built in the romantic era. My mom wanted to go back to the rose gardens she had been to 10 years ago.

Cool Addresses in Paris

I got this letter from a reader: Hi Sunny I follow your blog (which is awesome by the way).   I really enjoy your posts on Paris and am visiting Paris in September after going to High Rockabilly in Spain. I was wondering if you had a moment to spare if you could put...