Missing Paintings

Missing Paintings

Missing Paintings I sold these paintings years ago, I wish I knew who bought them. Galleries, as a rule don’t give the contact information of who buys your work. They protect the buyer‘s identity, but also they don’t want you to be able sell work to « their » client,...


My Residency with Gang of Witches at the Coven Gang of Witches is not only an artist collective, which is growing in numbers, we are also branching out into other territories. A residency has been created in Ibiza; an island known for among other things, yoga...
Portraits of my Gang

Portraits of my Gang

Here’s the watercolor portraits I did of some of the members of Gang of Witches, artist collective: Paola- is the Queen of the GOW universe. Sophie- is a writer, and singer, our version of Euterpe (the muse of music). Sunny- is the official tattoo artist of Gang...

Family Von Swartlagune

A painting I finsihed awhile ago and haven’t shared here yet. The family portrait gallery of the Creature from the Black Lagune. I may make prints from this. Would you be interested?
Mural at MUJAM in Mexico City

Mural at MUJAM in Mexico City

Late last year I was invited to do character design for a stop motion co-production Japanese/Mexican animation film, Lucharobomatic. In conjunction with a promotional teaser I painted the two main characters at the MUJAM museum, Trueno Tigre and Furioso Rosa. The idea...

New Eyecandy

New Oil Paintings. I’m so happy that I switched from acrylic to oil. The colors are much richer and I feel like I can go farther and improve my skin textures. I’m learning all by myself, I wish I had someone to give me pointers!